
Your responsibilities:
Our Partnership 
I expect that we will work together to ensure that your child has the opportunity to develop to his or her fullest potential.  I expect that we will communicate often about your child’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth.  Please inform me of any change in the child’s schedule, routine, or home environment.  I will do the same for changes in my business that affect your child. You will provide any special instructions in writing for eating, sleeping or napping, allergies, health issues, toilet training, etc.  You will also participate in a yearly evaluation of my child care program.
My Records for Your Child
I will keep the following records for your child; you are responsible for updating these
records immediately when any of this information changes:

·     your emergency contact information, including the name of a backup person in case I am unable to reach you, and the phone numbers of the child’s doctor and dentist
·     a list of everyone who is authorized to drop off and pick up the child
·     a signed and completed enrollment form
·     any special care or health requirements for your child
·     a signed consent form to obtain emergency medical or dental care
·     written permission to transport your child
Bad Weather Closings
I will notify you as soon as possible if my program will be closed because of inclement weather. I will try to provide this notice the night before. However, we will follow the Oregon City School District closures which are posted online. 

I will conduct a wide variety of activities with your child, including:  language development, sensory activities, health, safety and nutrition projects, puzzles, games, outdoor play, large-muscle activities, free play, construction and blocks, music, selected videos or television shows, individual quiet activities, dramatic play and arts and crafts.  All children’s activities will be appropriate to the age of your child, which means they will be within the abilities of your child.
Please bring an extra set of clothing for your child, including shirt, pants, underwear and socks.   During the winter, you will bring clothes for outdoor play, including a jacket, hat, mittens, etc.

I would prefer toys be left at home. The children may bring a book from home for us all to enjoy. 
Behavior Guidance
I will only use a “time-out” if it is age appropriate for your child, and when I do, I will limit it to one minute per age.  I will reinforce appropriate behavior by identifying the desired behavior rather than punishing negative behavior.  I will use behavior guidance that is fair, reasonable, and suited to the age of your child.  If your child exhibit’s a severe behavioral problem (such as regular biting, hitting, or breaking of toys), I will discuss this with you and ask for your cooperation in solving the problem.

Illness, Health, and Safety Policies:
Sick Child Policy     
I am not willing to provide care for your child if he or she is ill.  I will not send a child home with a common cold unless it is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms.  If your child becomes ill during the day, I will isolate your child from the other children and call you to pick up your child.  I expect you to pick up your child as soon as notified.  I will notify all parents of any exposure to contagious illness, disease, or infection in my program within 24 hour of when I become aware of it.  In the event of head lice, the child must be treated and nit-free before returning to school.  If a case of head lice is found in my home, all parents will be notified and everyone in my home will be checked.  I expect you to notify me before the school day if your child will not be able to attend school due to illness or for any other reason.  If a child has any of the symptoms listed below, he or she will not be permitted to attend care until 24 hours after the last bout of fever, vomiting, or severe diarrhea or until 24 hours after medical treatment has begun as prescribed by a physician:

·    a fever of 100 or higher
·    a skin rash other than diaper rash or prickly heat. (To return the child to care, you must provide a written statement from a doctor saying that the child does not have a communicable disease.)
·    diarrhea (increased number and water content of stools that cannot be contained within the diaper)
·    vomiting two or more times in the same day
·    any parasitic infestation (lice, scabies, etc.)
·    pink eye
·    discharge from the eyes or ears
·    a runny nose with colored discharge
·    chicken pox (The child may return when all the blisters have dried and formed scabs, usually about 6 days after the onset of the rash.)
·    any other communicable disease (tuberculosis, etc.)
Administering Medication                                                                                                
If you would like me to administer medicine to your child, you must sign a separate written authorization for each prescription. The medicine must be in its original container, labeled with the child’s name and the instructions for administering it. (You should ask the pharmacist to split each prescription into two containers, one for me and one for you, each with a full label and instructions.)  I must have a doctor’s written permission before I will administer over-the-counter medication to children who are younger than suggested or in an amount exceeding the required dosage.  I do not require a signed release from a doctor before dispensing the following to children:  sunscreen, lotions, diapering products, teething medicine and Tylenol.  I will document all medication that I dispense to the children in my files. 
Emergency Policy 
I will call 911 for life-threatening emergencies.  I will call you as soon as possible for all emergencies whether life-threatening or not.  If I can’t reach you, I will call the other persons you have listed to call when you cannot be reached.  I will post all emergency phone numbers near my telephone.  To reduce the risk of fire, I follow the fire safety rules and state laws regarding smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.  I teach the children about household safety and about personal safety.  I will report any accident requiring treatment by a physician to the proper agency.  You must keep me informed at all times of how I can reach you in the case of emergency (voice mail, cell phone), and check often for messages.  If you will be leaving work early, be at another location for the day, or vary your normal routine, you must inform me. To reduce the risk of fire, I follow the fire safety rules and state laws regarding smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.  I teach the children about household safety and about personal safety. 
Other health and safety issues     
I do have a Golden Retriever that will be away from the children most of the day. He is very kid-friendly and kind, but often a distraction to the kidsThere is no swimming pool, river, lake or body of water on my property.

Policies for Transporting Children:
Persons Authorized to Pick Up and Drop Off Your Child
You must provide me with the name of each person who is authorized to pick up your child.  You must notify me beforehand if an authorized person will be coming to drop off or pick up your child.  Authorized persons who drop off or pick up your child must have identification available.  I reserve the right to take anyone off the authorized pickup list for any reason.