Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tt is for Trains!

Tt is for train!  And some darn cute trains at that :)!!  The kids had fun making these...I loved that they wanted to add smoke and clouds and little things to attach their cars and people.  I love that they thought about things like that.  That was on their doings.  I just provided tracks and paper to make cars and wheels!
So the month of April we are trying really hard to get our names down perfect!!  We have these writing papers that are a 5 week series.  Each week it has different things for the kids to follow and it helps them with forming letters.  In years past this is kind a boring for the kids :)!  So this year I decided to jazz it up a bit and make this little board.  Each worksheet that they do they get a sticker and when they reach the purple and green box they earn a treat!!  For the kids that are still struggling with writing their names I laminated each of their names and when they trace their names perfectly they can earn another sticker!  For those that have it down, I wrote their name on lines paper and laminated it and they will be working on writing it on the line!

Some fun at free time....

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